Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just keep pedaling through the Spider Gauntlet!

Tonight since my sweetie had to work, I set off on my own and braved the Flint hills nature trail east of town.  There were plenty of wild life out this evening.  I came upon a bevy of quail not far into the trail.  Quail are such strange birds.  They must of flown up 5 or 6 time for only a few feet and would land and I would scare them up again.  Finally they headed out into a bean field on the other side of the trees.  The grasshoppers though still abundant seemed to be drugged by the beauty of the evening as they seemed to of forgotten how to jump as I breezed by!  I made it a couple miles out of town before I was channeled into a Gauntlet of webs containing eight legged creatures that seem to have it out for the wary Trail traveler!  I met my doom when I hit a patch of at least 4 full webs across the trail each with visible mutant arachnid's in tow!  While trying to dodge these mighty beasts I failed to deny gravity and plunged to the earth with a resounding Thud!!  Bloodying my knee and bruising only my pride! :)  Taken down by a lowly pack of insects!  Luckily I was able to gather my senses only to discover a herd of deer laughing at me.   No.. No..  seriously I didn't hit my head in the fall..  :)  There were 3 or 4 deer standing on the trail behind where I had fallen.  They just stood there and looked at me.  Probably thinking to themselves, oh great now we will have to listen to the spiders boasting how they took down the big man!  When they figured out there wasn't going to be any more circus acrobatics, they darted off.   I checked myself for spider stowaways, straightened my bike out and climbed back aboard.   My knee didn't like me very much for awhile..  It pretty much reminded me of that fact on every stroke during the 4 mile ride back home.   The Quail had once again gathered upon the trail to witness the spiders carnage as I passed back by.  This time not so fearful of the mighty Man...  They didn't even bother to fly away,  they just scurried upon their way.  Needless to say tonight's score Spiders 1 Man 0.  


1 comment:

  1. Hey I just now noticed you left a comment on my blog. Thanks! I'll try to give yours a more thorough read. Keep on cycling
