It was birthday celebration weekend for one of the pedalers of this blog so we headed to the next state north to ride the Steamboat Trace Trail from the southernmost trailhead in Brownville, Nebraska.

First thing we encountered when we started off on the trail was a detour!

They even provided a map of where you needed to ride to follow the detour. The thing the map does not show is that the detour was an extremely steep climb up from the low ground near the river up into town. Hmmm, do we follow the detour?!?!?

Nope! We were rebels and walked the bikes across the construction zone. We do not condone ignoring construction zones! In this case we could tell it was safe to cross.

The trail runs along the Missouri river bluffs, sometimes right along the river and sometimes fertile fields they squeeze between the bluffs and the river.

Your bike's pointed the wrong way!

Taking a break on a nice bench they provided........

....... right beside this bridge

Ready to get back at it! Showing off her special gloves that work on touchscreens without having to take them off!

Back to the tree tunnel!

Neat picnic table right along the river!


Along the trail there are some carvings in the rock wall that were done by Roland Sherman. You can read more info about them at this link.
There were some other carving in the same area that I'm pretty sure were done by teenage boys, but we decided not to post those here because this is a G-rated blog. :) ~~H

Eventually we reached our northernmost destination, Peru!

On the way back we snapped another picture with the carvings!
Actually if I remember correctly, this was for a Bicycle Ride and Seek scavenger hunt item. We were supposed to find something with our age on it? Haha!!!! In this case it was a divisible factor of my age. ~~H

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