Sunday, October 26, 2014

Good cycling mojo

I'm rolling in some pretty hefty mojo about right now...... I almost had talked myself out of going for my bike ride today. But it's 85 degrees (yes) and I'm thinking there aren't going to be many more of those for a number of months, so I forced myself to change my clothes, do my stretches, fill my water bottle, snap on my helmet and get on the seat, with the goal of a 5-mile ride, even though there is a hefty wind today. Oddly enough, I decided to get my 5 miles today in a part a town I almost NEVER ride in. So, I'm booking along and I see something in the road in front of me, so I swerve around it, and then I slam on my brakes. It was A FREAKING IPHONE!!!! WTH, right?!?!. So, I go back and pick it up. It doesn't look damaged. I hit the button and it comes on just fine. So, I take it to the house it was laying in front of. Knock on the door. A lady answers and I tell her "I was riding my bike and found this lying in the road beside your driveway." Immense relief on her face and she says "Oh my gosh, THANK YOU!" Right place, right time. Almost like I was *meant* to find and return that woman's phone unharmed.

At this point, I'm thinking some stars just aligned pretty nicely and I likely have a heaping helping of good karma due to come my way, so I'm just going to go ahead and apply it to a Royals win tonight. Don't dick around with my gift, boys, OK?

Update 10/26/2014, 10:20 p.m. : Obviously the Royals didn't get my karma memo.  Maybe I'll get a raise at work tomorrow?  :) 

~~ H

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