It's Christmas and I got a new bike helmet. It's a Nutcase. It's gold. And it's sparkly!
And hopefully it makes me look just slightly less like Marvin the Martian than my current Bern Berkeley. My Bern is a L-XL and I requested the Nutcase in a size S-M and it fits me just fine. Hopefully that size difference will make it less "round".
Although I am afraid I might lament the lack of a visor on the Nutcase, I won't be able to give that verdict until I have the opportunity to get outside on the bike once again. Hope that comes soon!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
~~ H
ADDENDUM: Oh, Oh!!! Look what I just found! Awesome! I'm a DIY crafty kind of girl. I can do this! :) Think I will use craft foam instead of a plastic cutting board, though.
Nutcase helmet DIY visor
Nice. Reminds me of an old gold metal-flake motorcycle helmet I had as a kid.